Pohon gaharu yang mati akibat serangan ulat/ngengat...
lokasi kebun pantai caritan Banten
We ve cultivated agarwoods since 2000, until 2010 we have more than 35.000 trees of agarwoods in south borneo Indonesia..The Innoculated trees has more than 800 trees...We ve Collaborated with Forestry Research n Development Agency , Yatazawa Tropical Plant R D Garden....International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) ..
Lokasi Ds Mandala Kec Batu Benawa, HST Barabai KAl-Sel Indonesia
Jenis A. Creshna asal bibit Thailand ditanam Bulan Agustus 2002, jumlah 100 pohon
rencana panen raya tahun 2011, prediksi hasil Kelas Gubal AB ke Atas...berminat silahkan hubungi kami m.yani 0811519401