Buah Gaharu Malacensis, besar seperti jempol, musim berbuah Nopember Desember jadual luruh Januari...
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We ve cultivated agarwoods since 2000, until 2010 we have more than 35.000 trees of agarwoods in south borneo Indonesia..The Innoculated trees has more than 800 trees...We ve Collaborated with Forestry Research n Development Agency , Yatazawa Tropical Plant R D Garden....International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) ..
Saya berminat untuk membeli Benih jenis ini (A. Malacensis)087778523539
BalasHapuskalau buah beum musim kalau mau cabutan bisa saya sediakan dan bimbinganutk pembibitannya...tks sy bs d hub 0811519401